EnigMIT continues to assist the following current and past
- All-Med Services
- Aveta
- AWP Rx
- Bravo Health
- Central California Alliance For Health
- Citizen's Choice Healthplan
- CRM Solutions Inc.
- Dean Health Plan, Inc.
- Digital Blue
- Gaudette International Corporation
- LA Care Health Plan
- Medicare y Mucho Mas
- Meridian Nut Growers
- Mid Rogue Independent Physician Association
- North American Medical Management
- NorthBay Healthcare
- US Customs and Border Protection
Below are a few of the companies that EnigMIT has worked with in
order to assist common clients:
- Attest Health Care Advisors
- APS Healthcare
- Express Scripts
- MZI Healthcare
- TierMed Systems
- Walgreens Health Initiatives

Putting together your